Morgan Midnight

Sometimes I ask clients to rate the horses they buy from us on a scale of 1 to 10 and why. Here is one answer….. Hi Lisa, I think Morgan qualifies as a 10 for me. she is a sweet girl, we had a blast on the ride, i haven’t noticed any bad habits (unless you call backing up to pee in her stall a bad habit 🙂 , i feel MUCH safer on her than i did on Dalley so that makes all the difference in the world to me! I haven’t been as excited to get out on the trail for over a year so it feels great. Lonnie wants to rate Duke at a 8. He is a really good horse, we have had some food aggression with his grain and Lonnie has had to work hard on that. He shies on the trail which is one of the main problems we had with Danny, so Lonnie was pretty worried about that. He is not nearly as spooky as Danny was, and Lonnie is determined to break him of that. Overall he is a great horse, just young and needs to adjust to us. They have shed their thick winter fur and both look gorgeous. Morgan is growing in the belly area and we are getting more and more excited about the baby. It will be a lot of fun. Let me know if you have any questions about our answers. Thanks again!! Juli
Hope all is well with you, and we have decided the Duke is now a 10 on the 1 to 10 scale for compatibility with
Lonnie, so great work!!
ZGC Phoenix

I just bought a colt from Lisa Perry of Zion’s Gait Curlies and I have to tell everyone that this colt is amazing. He is so well trained at 6 months. He follows the lead rope wherever you lead him. He ponies right along with the older horses. We took him on his first trail ride and he went everywhere we went without hesitation. The colt’s name is ZGC Phoenix. We just love all his curls too. He has such a great attitude. I would definitely recommend to anyone to buy from Lisa. You won’t be disappointed. Linda Nichols Mountain Trails Ranch Esparto, CA (colt sired by DCC Vegas)
ZGC Cinnamon Ice

Cindy, my four-year old mare, went to the horse trainer’s two months ago and I rode her for the first time on Tuesday (9/15/09)! It was wonderful. I was pretty nervous, but it went well. Cindy is so responsive and willing to please, I couldn’t ask for a better horse. I didn’t use a bridle, only a halter with reins tied to it, and a saddle. Cindy only needs light leg pressure, a cluck or two, and a little pointing her nose in the right direction to go forward, backward, left or right on the forehand, left or right on the hind leg, or side-passing. Loretta Nielson
ZGC Carmella

Carmella (We call her Meg because my daughter thought she looked like the color of nutmeg). Meg is the first horse to greet you when you come to the farm. She loves to run and play in the field (especially with her best friend Jag our 8 year old buckskin gelding). Her disposition is very kind and willing. She is a horse that anyone can enjoy from the demanding trail rider who likes to move out quickly with a smooth sure footed ride to the little girl who hasn’t ridden before and wants to ride a nice kind horse. She will let you climb all over her, pick up her feet, and do anything to her as long as you are kind. Our cat Gideon jumps on her back regularly and she just lets him play there. She is very trusting. Meg has been a joy to train from day one. Once you teach her she remembers what was taught and doesn’t need to be reminded. One thing about Meg that is a bit of a negative is that she is a grudge holder. Soft gentle training methods are best. If you use harsh or aggressive training methods then she responds poorly and will remember it and the person who inflicted it. Our trainer Jared Callister said the following at the conclusion of her 30 day training. 1- She is one of the most smart teachable colts he had ever worked with. Responds to very soft and subtle cues. 2- Meg is very sure footed for a young horse. It is like she was born in the mountains. He mentioned that he had not seen that sure footed action except in mustangs. 3- He said her foxtrot is very natural and had a nice flow. 4- He said Meg is very athletic and tough. He was impressed at how tough her feet are. He trained her in some rocky areas and herded cows and her feet were like a mustang. (note: Meg is a barefoot horse) 5- Meg is very soft mouthed and responds to even the slightest lift of the rein. She holds a snaffle bit in her mouth with no stress from the bridle. She holds it where she wants it. 6- Meg makes me look like a wonderful trainer. 7- Jared said that after 30 days she was at the stage of a seasoned 5 year old. Very quick learner. 8- Lastly he said Meg is the horse to choose to ride when you go to the stable for a reliable enjoyable mount. At the ripe old age of 29 months Meg is quite far along in being the perfect fox trotter. Great conformation, athletic, beautiful dark palomino markings (long curly white main), gorgeous head (small star on the center of forehead), kind and gentle disposition, energetic, will move out quickly. On my first ride since the completion of the training we rode down a busy road in the city of Bountiful. The stimulation was all around us (cars, joggers, street workers, lawn mowers, etc.) but Meg with her trusting attitude took it all in stride because she trusted me. I am very fortunate to own Meg. Brad Hansen (filly sired by DCC Vegas)
ZGC Cassidy

Hi Lisa
Cassidy is doing great and is such a nice filly. My daughter is enthralled with her curls 🙂 She has fit in well with the other baby and 2 yearlings and has found her place in the pecking order. I think she will
make a lovely mare and am so pleased with her. I swear she made it here w/o losing an ounce- Bob let her have the back of the trailer and she was
happy as could be. Thanks for selling me such a nice one and one who meant so much to you. I will update you with pictures from time to time so you can watch her grow, too.
Lea & The Foxlea Clan
(filly sired by DCC Vegas)
Marie-France lalibertemarie

“You have made a fantastic training with London and she is more advanced than some of our adult horse in some circumstances like to be tie out alone in the paddock with us working around, like standing still when a balloon is sent close to her, like to be alone in her paddock without doing anxiety and more and more. My friends are not used to have a horse so friendly who are not scared of new things going on around them. They just do not understand yet that it is the curly breed and for sure some training done too. I will give them some time to understand that the curly personality is very special. I’ll keep you updated.” Marie-France Canada (Filly sired by DCC Vegas)
ZGC Durango

Hello Lisa, you don’t know me. I’m the husband of Susanne. First of all sorry for my english. I hope it is not to bad ;-). For my bank job it is enough :-). Why I wrote to you? Well, I only want to say THANK YOU. I never saw Susanne so happy since the day she knew that Durangos home is at Bavaria (the best place in Germany :-)) You make her a dream come true. She will have a good future with her horses and specially with your Durango……………….. So once again. THANK YOU !!! God bless you, your family, horses and your future. Have a good time and all best wishes for 2008 Yours Juergen Germany (colt sired by DCC Vegas)
Kim in Oregon

“I just wanted to take a minute and say how impressed I am with your genetic research and dedication to improving a really valuable breed. Eventually I will have the set up for my own curly/curlies as I have allergy troubled kids too, but for now I am an appreciator of the breed……….” –Colleen ”WOW, Lisa, what a handsome and NICE foxtrot, I LOVE how nice he (DCC Vegas) holds it, even with speed!! Absolutely gorgeous! “ Kim in Oregon
“I just wanted to take a minute and say how impressed I am with your genetic research and dedication to improving a really valuable breed. Eventually I will have the set up for my own curly/curlies as I have allergy troubled kids too, but
for now I am an appreciator of the breed……….”
“You have beautiful horses Lisa… you should be very proud of your accomplishments. If I can have a breeding program similar to yours I will be happy indeed……..”